Don't Let Bad Credit Hold You Back

Don't Let Bad Credit Hold You Back

  • Two Ways To Eliminate Private Mortgage Insurance

    Lenders typically require people who put less than a 20 percent down payment on their homes to carry private mortgage insurance. This type of insurance is designed to protect the lender in the event the borrower stops paying on the loan. Since this insurance can cost anywhere from $30 to $50 per $100,000 borrowed from the bank, the premiums can get pretty expensive fast, especially if you're on a fixed income.

  • Four Reasons To Choose A Smaller, Less Expensive Home

    When you decide to start looking for a new home, it can be tempting to look at the biggest, most expensive houses you can afford. Mortgage lenders approve you for a certain amount, and you look at homes with that price tag. While this is a common strategy, it is not the best one for most people. Rather, you're better off choosing a home that is a bit smaller and less expensive than what the lenders (and online calculators) say you can afford.

  • The Benefits Of Refinancing A VA Loan

    A very popular benefit for military personnel is a VA loan. This makes it much easier for veterans to own their own home. In addition, there are ways that you can reduce your VA loan payment and make your life better in other ways as well. That is why there are so many benefits:  Lower Cost By refinancing, you can enjoy a lower interest rate. This can also be done by switching from an adjustable rate loan to a fixed rate loan.

  • How to Smartly Obtain a Payday Loan

    As of 2014, over 48 million Americans live in poverty according to the Census Bureau. Even more Americans live their lives scrapping by from paycheck to paycheck, with very little money left for their savings. For these people, small inconveniences like a parking ticket, a trip to the emergency room, or their car breaking down, can mean huge financial issues. This is when a payday loan may help. Payday loans are what they sound like: loans meant to help you with minor, unforeseen expenses that may arise in between paychecks.

  • 3 Myths About Selling A Structured Settlement For Cash

    If you have been involved in a court case in which you have received a large amount of money for your settlement, you are likely going to receive the amount in a structured settlement rather than a lump sum payment. The difference is that you will receive small payments over time that is tax-free whereas if you were to receive a lump sum payment, you would likely be subject to taxes and if you don't manage the money properly, you will spend it all at once instead of making smart investments out of it.

  • 2024© Don't Let Bad Credit Hold You Back
    About Me
    Don't Let Bad Credit Hold You Back

    Having less than perfect credit can certainly make it far more difficult to get the financing you need to make even the smallest of purchases. However, there is no reason to let your past financial mistakes get in the way of successfully getting the credit you need. This is because there are now many lenders out there who offer products for people just like you. How do I know this? That is easy, I know because I too have struggled with bad credit for many years. Thankfully, I have now overcome my past credit problems and am on my way to achieving financial freedom. It is my hope that with the help of the information on this site, you too will be able to accomplish this goal.
